Get to Know Payroc’s Core Values
Posted on By Chelsea Hoag

When you walk into a Payroc office, you’ll find many of our Roc Stars in training meetings, running through demos, supporting customers over the phone, chatting at the coffee bar, and likely a friendly dog or two. That's how we like it—busy with life!
A Little Back Story
Fueled by Parthenon Capital, Payroc merged with NXGEN, Payscape, and Caledon in October 2019 to form a payment industry leader. The transaction created a full-service global merchant acquiring and payment facilitator powerhouse now operating in 46 countries, while serving more than 55,000 merchants processing $23 billion in annual bankcard volume.
Advancing into the top ranks of non-bank merchant acquirers, the combined enterprise, with its additional capabilities, will carry a new and enhanced Payroc brand. The new Payroc is poised to drive rapid expansion and growth through sales, marketing and forward-facing technology integrated with proprietary U.S. and international front-end and back-end processing platforms.
Building Our New Core Values
After our merger, our leadership team took a deep dive into each company's existing list of values in order to determine where we stood as a newly merged company. It became evident that our humble beginnings lead us to have common values.
Payroc's core values are the foundation of each Roc Star's success.
Positive mental attitude.
We're "glass half full" people. Stay positive, roll with the punches, find solutions, & embrace change.
Lead with grit.
We have street smarts, hustle, are quick thinking, resourceful, courageous, original, & innovative.
People are the Roc.
We are a community that respects each other & maintains a healthy work/life balance. To us, business is personal.
Listen first.
We are collaborative, quick to serve, open to new ideas, trustworthy, & accept change.
Be a boss.
We are confident entrepreneurs. Our resourcefulness makes us leaders. If we don't know the answer, we find it.
Do what's right.
Even when no one is looking. We are transparent, honest, professional, & have integrity.