How Payroc Simplifies Integration for ISVs

How Payroc Simplifies Integration for ISVs

Integration is likely the most contentious part of any payment partnership and is often what ISVs’ development teams dread most. In fact, the success of an integration can set the stage for how an ISV and payments partner continue to work together – and if they continue to work together.

At Payroc, we believe integration should be simple, and we’ve designed our solutions to ensure that it is. In this blog, we’ll walk through the integration process that ISVs can expect.

Step 1: Initial Qualification

We start with an initial qualification to determine the commercial requirements and product functionality required for the partnership to be successful. This involves conversations with both the business and technical teams to ensure alignment and present feature capabilities of our product offerings. In the qualification stage, we also start the process of determining market fit with merchant verticals and platform compatibility. Once we’ve identified there is a high degree of compatibility, we move into the technical discovery phase where we will dive deeper into the technical solution.

Step 2: Technical Discovery and Solutioning

This step in the process is truly a data exchange through a series of discussions. It’s critical that our team gains an in-depth understanding of workflows, customer touchpoints, security requirements and any other technical requirements for consideration. We also want to make sure that ISVs understand our operations to determine how that can fit into existing processes and services.

We also strive to uncover technical requirements and determine critical enhancements as they pertain to:

  • Transaction flows
  • Hardware
  • Website
  • Authentication
  • Required Features and Functionality
  • Boarding
  • Funding
  • Reporting

In addition, we will evaluate how well the ISV understands the payments industry and our solution to determine if consultation services would be helpful in building a solution.

Using the joint feedback and data gathered in this step, we tailor solutions that address all technical needs, including long-term goals for expansion and growth. A Solution Design Document is presented, reviewed and refined until all parties are satisfied.

Central to the proposed solution is a grid that illustrates every workflow within the payment process. We will outline any features that will be used and all requirements discussed. We will also provide sample code where applicable and share all documentation at this time. Our team is available to answer questions about the solution and, again, make changes as needed. Once all parties have assessed that the solution is a good fit, we engage with your team to identify any potential contingencies to consider. Then, we secure sign off and will outline our process and proceed to development/implementation.

Step 3: Development/Implementation

Before we begin implementing the agreed-upon solution, our team establishes a line of communication that will continue into production. We are flexible in our methods of communication to accommodate our ISV partners. This may involve emails, regular phone calls, and/or a Slack channel. The goal is for us to be available to ensure continuous momentum and proactively remove delays or blockers.

During development, the sandbox environment can be requested at any time. However, our gateway platform automates the majority of key features requested by ISVs and merchants, which reduces both team’s development effort.

For many ISV partners that leverage our gateway, implementation is as simple as API calls for onboarding, transactions, funding, and reporting. Our low-code Payroc Cloud solution makes transaction processing simple and allows ISVs to process nearly any type of payment through our gateway.

At this point, ISVs will want to make sure a number of activities are completed, including identifying pilot merchants and setting up the merchant accounts if they haven’t yet done so.

Step 4: Validation

Once the solution is implemented, our team runs quality assurance tests to ensure that payments are processing and the established workflows are performing as expected. Similar to a standard quality assurance process, this is necessary to identify any issues, fix them and retest before moving to a production release.

Using our sandbox account, we can simulate production and conduct certification tests to validate our endpoints. It also allows us to work on any UI or UX improvements.

Step 5: Go Live

Once testing is completed and all parties are satisfied with the user acceptance testing, we board the account and move into a pilot phase for live processing. During the pilot phase, our team will be monitoring transactions for a period of time to ensure that they are processing as expected.

Within the go-live process is a training component. While the ISV partner’s team will have gained a basic understanding of our solution, we offer dedicated customer support teams to make sure our partners fully understand how the solution should work and who to contact should any issues arise. If additional training is needed, we’ll coordinate that as well. We will ensure that our teams understand all the requirements for success which includes:

  • Merchant Account Setup
  • Procurement and deployment of hardware
  • Gateway Account setup/ Template creation
  • Dedicated partner support team
  • Escalation Paths
  • Documentation

Step 6: Transition to Partner Manager

Once the pilot phase and go-to-market activities are complete, ISVs are transitioned to a dedicated partner manager. The Payroc Integration Support team will transition to tier three support. Should new opportunities for growth and/or expanded functionality with an ISV’s software be identified, the Integration Support team we be available to assist.

To learn more about how Payroc makes integration easy, contact us.

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