As an event planner, you work hard to make your event successful - your registration process should do the same. Even if your event Facebook page is sparking interest and website traffic is increasing, you may be having a hard time converting those virtual visitors into attendees. Fewer registrations, means less money. To make sure your registration process is in tip-top shape, ensure your registration page follows these three guidelines:
How many times have you tried to purchase a product from a site only to end up not completing the purchase because of the complex checkout process? The struggle is all too real. On average, 7 out of 10 customers start but don’t complete their purchase.
Believe it or not, this same daunting cycle happens more often than you think when it comes to people registering for your event. The most common reason for this is that there’s too many steps. Studies have shown that each additional step in the checkout or registration process leads to a 10% reduction in transactions.
How many pages is your registration process? Do attendees really need to create a new account in order to complete their registration? Could you store all returners’ personal information to make it easier to register next time? Evaluate all aspects of your registration process and consider investing in a simplified online registration software that will turn those potential event goers into attendees with just a few clicks.
2. Mobile Friendly Registration PageThink about it- the majority of your digital consumption takes place on your smartphone. In fact, the number of mobile-only internet users has exceeded the number of desktop-only internet users. Since this milestone back in 2015, the number has only been increasing, making mobile devices the primary access portal to the internet. If your registration process is difficult to navigate on mobile, many potential attendees are simply going to give up registering.
Google reports that 77% of internet searches on smartphones and tablets occur in the home or office where the consumers have access to a desktop computer- that means consumers are using their mobile devices because they prefer the convenience, or out of impulsiveness. Consider affordable website softwares that streamline your event site via any device. This will ensure that attendees who visit your event page on their phones don’t have to struggle with zooming in or scrolling through a never-ending registration form.
3. Registration Anytime, Anywhere!As more potential attendees search for your event on their phones, the more opportunities there are to streamline your event registration page anywhere. Take advantage of the many advertising options on social media platforms. With Facebook for instance, you can promote your event, optimize mobile ecommerce, and allow consumers to register all from your Facebook page. And since more than half of Facebook users access the site through their mobile phones, that’s all the more reason to have accessible registration anywhere.
With registration available anywhere, attendees can also pay on their own time with online payment gateways to make the payment process a quick and painless experience. Not only is it convenient for attendees, but it makes accepting credit card payments that much easier.
Optimizing your registration process will increase your virtual event traffic and attract more attendees. If you're ready to conquer these must-have registration features and streamline all your registration needs, click below to to sign up for a free live demo of Payscape’s online registration software: