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3 Ways To Use Promotional Cards to Drive Business

Using promotional cards to drive new business is a smart way to promote and bring greater awareness to your brand. Below are three great tips for implementing gift, loyalty or promotional cards into your business strategy.

Promotional cards can have a dramatic impact on your business; they promote your business to new customers, keep loyal customers coming back and cause most people to spend more than they may have intended. Did you know that 75% of gift card users spend more than the value of their gift card?

Promoting a New Location

Are you opening an additional location? Promotional cards are great for driving traffic to your new location. A small dollar amount placed on promotional cards with your logo on them are fantastic for getting customers in the door. Simply walk around your town handing them out. When a customer spends over a certain amount in your location, you could give them a $5 promotional card to use on their next visit to your business.

Promoting Brand Awareness

Have you ever received a gift card for a business you have never heard of, then it quickly becomes your new favorite spot to shop or eat? Promotional cards allow businesses to reach customers that might not have known they existed and brought in new customers.  Below are three key points in making your gift, loyalty or promotional card program a success.

Did you know that gift cards are one of the most requested gifts during the holidays for the last decade?

Location, Location, Location.

Promotional cards probably aren’t the flashiest item that you offer, which is why it is important to place them in an attention-catching location. In a brick and mortar store, this probably means close to the register. The less obvious application of this tip is in your online store. Be sure to place gift cards in a prominent location on your website to ensure that your customers consider the possibility of purchasing a gift card from the very start.

Promote Precisely.

Gearing your gift cards toward certain services can help drum up enthusiasm among your customers, while simultaneously lend a helping hand to people who are buying gift cards as a gift.

Many spas report that the majority of their clients are women, yet the majority of gift-card purchasers are men. While we are not definitively saying, that gift card purchasers have less experience with and knowledge of the services that they are paying for, selling gift cards that align with individual services can help card buyers make more informed choices and give the card recipient something unique to look forward to.

Have a sale.

An age-old way of getting people to buy more of a certain product is offering that product at a more affordable price. Gift cards are no exception. Offering a $100 gift card at a $90 price tag could certainly capture attention, for example. And, given markups and the fact that most customers tend to leave a small amount of money on their gift cards anyway, this strategy still leaves plenty of room for you to make a profit. (While also bringing in new, long-term customers!)

With these simple steps and some great custom promotional cards, you will quickly see a return on your investment. Looking to add gift or loyalty cards to your marketing strategy?   Contact us to start using promotional cards to grow your business.

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