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4 Reasons to Launch an Online Store

If you are considering starting an online store, now is the moment to act. There has never been a better time to break into the world of e-commerce. The online technology that supports e-commerce is simultaneously becoming more affordable and more advanced.  Consumers are spending more and more money through the internet every year. Whether you have an established business in need of an online store, or you plan on launching a startup that will operate exclusively through the web, this is an exciting moment to be in business.

Here are four important reasons to launch an online store.

1. Low Startup Costs One of the biggest advantages that online stores have over their brick-and-mortar counterparts are lower startup costs. Securing a location, compiling an inventory, and hiring staff, are not nearly as expensive for most online operations as they are for traditional businesses. Though you may spend a bit of money setting up a home office, purchasing a small amount of inventory, and hiring an online assistant, these costs pale in comparison to the costs of renting an office, filling your retail space with goods, and finding several full-time employees. These low startup costs also translate into lower general overhead, which makes online business less risky and potentially more profitable.

2.  24/7/365 Marketplace. Sell to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Once your website is online, you have just become an international business, and you are making money while you sleep. Period.

3.  Unique Marketing Opportunities. Online stores uniquely benefit from online advertising. The click of an ad can bring interested shoppers straight to your online storefront from anywhere, at anytime.  This easy shopping experience expedites the buying process and converts customers at a rate at a higher rate than conventional advertising mediums.  Take advantage of sites like Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram,  to showcase your products. Make sure to embed links that direct customers directly to your site to purchase the item quickly and easily. Let the “online window shoppers” of the world help spread the word about your business.

4.  Easier than Ever. The low costs, simple round-the-clock operations, and extra-effective marketing opportunities make online services an attractive option.  However, many business owners hesitate because they fear that launching an online store could be a complex and challenging process. Fortunately, advancing technology  makes this concern a thing of the past.

Here are a few more important things to think about when starting an online store.

It’s 2017 and everyone is on their smartphones so make sure that your website is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. Having a website that doesn’t open or load correctly on your smartphone could cost you customers, even before they see your products.

Millennials love to shop online.  With over 2 billion GenX’ers walking the streets, wouldn’t it be nice if a few of them found your business on their mobile devices? Mobile purchasers tend to spend more than people who go to the brick and mortar locations. Some estimates report that Millennials make up approximately 50% of all retail spending. Make sure you don’t miss out on your piece of this pie.

E-commerce is a booming business.  If you aren’t selling online, you are missing out on a huge market. Some estimates are as high as $billion dollars in 2016.  Are you ready to step into the world of online solutions and begin building your business today? Check out the e-commerce solutions right here at NXGEN.

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