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4 Reasons To Use An Automated Billing System



Are you still using paper invoices? Do you have problems getting bills paid on time or have invoices that slip through the cracks and never get paid? There is no need to save a stack of paper invoices in a file cabinet or have a desk full of sticky notes reminding you to follow up with a customers’ late payments -- have all the necessary information you need retrievable with a click of the mouse!

Here are four reasons why you should ditch paper billing and move to an automated billing system.

  • Reduce Overhead and Streamline Your Process - BillingOrchard acts as your entire billing team. It allows you to arrange automated recurring invoices that are send out to your clients, so that you do not need to stress about them later. If a client is late in paying, the client will be automatically notified for each invoice that are past due. The notification will also be send out if the customer’s card gets declined or the customer  tries to pay with an expired credit card. In addition, the system allows you to establish late fees, which would be automatically calculated and added to an invoice if the client is not able to make the payment on time.

  • Be More Organized, Save time - Have all the needed retrievable information with a click of the mouse. There is no need to save a stack of paper invoices in a file cabinet or have a desk full of sticky notes reminding you to follow up with a customer who is late in paying you, have all the necessary information you need retrievable with a click of the mouse. Easily convert billable hours into actionable online invoices. BillingOrchard’s dynamic user permissions allow your employees and contractors to log hours on behalf of a client, allowing you to approve, create and update an invoice in an instant.

  • Decrease Outstanding Invoices - Send them a professional invoice directly to their email that puts a ‘Pay Now’ button right in their inbox. By simplifying the process, your customers can pay within minutes.

  • Decrease Average Age Per Invoice - No more waiting around for a check in the mail.

As soon as the customer has sent a payment your way, you will receive a notification. The automated notifications remind your clients to pay their invoices on time. By making the payment process as easy as possible, it prevents your clients from putting their payments off to another day. That way you will get your hard earned money in your hands as quickly as possible.

By switching to an automated billing system, such as BillingOrchard, you can save time, reduce overhead, and be more organized. You will have a more streamlined and easier payment process, and you will get your money quicker!

Click here to learn more about BillingOrchard!

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