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Apple Pay Support from Payscape

The unveiling of Apple Pay™ means big things for the payment solutions industry, and Payscape is ready to dive right in.

Apple Pay utilizes an iPhone 6 & 6 Plus, Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, Touch ID and a Secure Element chip to make paying easy with just a wave of the iPhone. Many of our payment solutions incorporate NFC technology enabling our merchants to accept Apple Pay. In addition, these solutions also offer EMV payment capability.

Scratching your head over what that means? Don't. Just know that Payscape has the goods to help our clients and partners get going with Apple Pay. And what can't be found on our FAQ page can be answer by our sales and support reps.

So, if you have any questions just fire off an email or give us a call. We're here to help you make the most out of payment processing, and Apple Pay will quickly become a big part of that for many businesses.

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