Registration for any school, sports league, or camp can be a tedious and costly process. That’s why we’ve created these free registration templates to help save you time and money.
The free registration templates are a great resource. But there are more efficient ways to coordinate your programs and gather registrations. With the summer season underway, now is the perfect time to get rid of that old filing cabinet and introduce a proven registration software that will lead to a more memorable camp experience.
It’s safe to say any organization wants to reduce overall cost and streamline business operations. Implementing a cloud-based registration solution is a great alternative to traditional paper filing. Not only will it decrease your spend on paper, printing, and general office supplies, it also frees up invaluable time that could be better focused elsewhere.
What about collecting registrant payments? It’s known to be a daunting task, but it can be easier than ever. Softwares like RegPoint by Payscape provide one convenient tool to consolidate all of your business needs, including an online payment gateway to accept e-checks and card payments. Eliminate all paperwork, maintain a digital database, provide unlimited logins for all your staff and registrants. Plus, the soon-to-be-released software update allows you to communicate with your audience via email and text at any time.
Download the customizable and user-friendly templates here:
No matter what your organization’s focus may be, it’s time to simplify the process while increasing profitability and productivity. Click below to sign up for a free live demo of Payscape’s registration software: