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Inspirational Quotes From Successful Leaders

Looking for inspiration? We’ve put together some of our favorite inspirational quotes from successful leaders. Everything from thoughts on success, creating opportunities and trust.

inspirational quote colin powell

While it is easy to focus on others’ successes, have you ever stopped to think about what it takes to get there? On the path to success, you will find plenty of opportunity for failure. As Colin Powell mentions in this quote, it’s important to learn from our failures in order to appreciate success.

inspirational quote jim rohn

Jim Rohn was an entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker who never failed to share thought-provoking advice. Wanting something doesn’t mean it will come easy. As Rohn says here, there is always a way if you really want to do something. Everything else is just an excuse.

inspirational quote Chris Grosser

There is something to be said for luck and being in the right place at the right time, but true opportunities don’t just happen, you have to create them.

inspirational quote jeff weiner

In business and leadership, trust is crucial. If you surround yourself with people you trust and who also have faith in you, you already have a competitive advantage.

What quotes inspire you? Leave them in the comments so we can all learn and grow from each other.

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