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NXGEN, A Small Town Tech Company, Wins Industry’s Top Award

Whitefish, MT – June, 2016 – NXGEN, a tech company that delivers state of the art payment solutions to merchants globally, was recently awarded 2016 ISO of the Year by the Electronic Transaction Association (ETA), the leading trade association in the payments industry. NXGEN, founded and based in Whitefish, a small town of 6,864 residents, stood out among 1500+ companies to win the industry’s top award.

“The ETA Star Awards are the payments industry’s premier honor, given to individuals and businesses making meaningful advancements in the payments industry,” said Jason Oxman, ETA CEO.

NXGEN is the largest global Merchant Service Providers (MSP) serving over 13,000 merchants in multiple countries. NXGEN has recorded double digit growth year after year since opening its doors in 2002 and grew to become the largest MSP/Independent Sales Organization (ISO) in processing volume. NXGEN’s global footprint covers 30 countries and is poised to quickly expand. Because of its global experience, NXGEN was the first US based organization to offer EMV-capable equipment to its merchant base and customers. Most recently, NXGEN launched the World Access program, the first unified sales program enabling other MSPs, ISOs and independent sales agents to sell globally in 30 countries and be paid in their home country.

“NXGEN wants to thank the ETA for presenting this very prestigious award to our company,” said Tom Nitopi, Founder and CEO of NXGEN. “Our team has worked very hard to develop our World Access platform which allows ISOs, MSPs and Sales Agents in any of our 30+ countries to sell within these countries and get paid in their home currency. We also continue to develop proprietary software to help ISOs manage their sales organizations on a daily basis. We want to thank the ETA for their commitment to this industry and the high standards they hold all of their members to. We are proud to be an ETA member.”

“I truly believe we just revolutionized sales with World Access,” Nitopi said. “World Access has done to the ISO world what Square did to micro-merchants, and what Uber did to taxi cabs. They eliminated the friction within that industry. Well, with World Access we have eliminated the friction for someone to sell globally.”


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