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NXGEN Mexico Team Members Lead Fademac To Third Straight American Football National Championship

The Golden State Warriors were not the only team celebrating a third national championship this month, the Fademac team in Mexico is celebrating its third straight national championship in American Football in the Under-17 category. Fademac was undefeated from the playoffs all the way through the finals to win the national championship for the third year in a row. NXGEN was an important part of this victory because Fademac’s defensive line coaches are Guillermo Izguerra, NXGEN Mexico’s General Manager and Raul Salazar, NXGEN Mexico’s Sales Manager.

Guillermo has played American football since he was a boy, and has been coaching little league and high school football in Mexico since 1983. The team Guillermo coaches, the “Vaqueros de Xochimilco”, are a powerhouse in Mexican High School football. Raul has also been playing since he was a child through high school. Like Guillermo, his love for the sport and his desire to give back to the sport that he learned so much from, has kept him engaged as a coach.

Guillermo recalls that “winning the first national championship game in 2016 in Chiapas was exciting, unforgettable; we were undefeated!” Guillermo’s most vivid memories of that season were actually in the post season when he was part of the coaching staff that brought the Mexican national team to compete in the United States. That experience is something the players, high school aged boys under 17, will always treasure.

“I hope it left them with a clear sense of the rewards that can come with hard work and sacrifice.”

The second championship win in 2017 was played in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, “We went into the finals convinced that when you find a winning formula, you double-down and perfect it.” Guillermo recalls how the other teams in the league reacted:

“That win got the other teams congratulating us… with a certain amount of respect, but I felt they were convinced we could not do it again.”

“Going into the finals in 2018, we felt pressure. We were working with many new players on the team, and the competition was tough. This year the other team went into the finals with the mission to take down the two-time champion. We had tough games in the playoffs and in the finals but in the end, organization, discipline, and teamwork got us through each game and prepared us for the next one.”

Raul Salazar is applying this winning formula when managing his sales team at NXGEN:

“Organization, discipline, and teamwork is also applied at NXGEN, to deliver solutions to our merchants and customers, we need to work closely with our partners, communicate with each other, and never rest on our laurels. We always have to prepare for the next win.”

Transcript of video:
Guillermo Izguerra: “Guys, I am proud and pleased to have worked with you. Thank you for allowing yourselves to be coached. Maybe today you don’t realize what you’ve just achieved, but to be national champions in an event of this size is not easy. You’ve earned this because of your effort, the work you did, with your dedication, and your mentality. All of you are winners. Congratulations, and I love you all.”
Players: “Thank you Coach.”

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