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The Secret to Managing How Users Sign Up for Payscape Registration Programs

Amanda Gross (4)-1

My name is Michael Lehmann, and I am the Product Support Manager for our new registration platform, Payscape Registration! Our team is thrilled to offer schools, camps, auxiliary programs, and a variety of other organizations the most comprehensive and innovative registration software available today. I will be regularly previewing some of the key features of our platform while sharing insider tips on how to best utilize your own account!

Let’s chat about a brand new feature in the platform that benefits both organizations and registrants! Our program builder already contains a long list of customizable options to fit your event logistics. Organizations now have the option to select exactly how users can register for their programs from one of three categories: Everyone, Master Accounts Only, and Guests Only.

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Once an organization has elected to choose one of the above categories, interested users will be prompted to register according to the parameters set during the program creation process. For example, if an organization chooses ‘Guests Only’ for a program, then the only group permitted to register for that program will be anyone not logged in to a Master Account.

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The introduction of this feature to Payscape Registration provides organizations with yet another tool to further customize and control their programs. It is now even easier for organizations to capture the information they need from registrants. How? The target audience has already been segmented based on an organization’s specific goals or program offerings! For example, the ‘Guests Only’ category encourages quick registrations for programs that require less information from attendees, such as a charity 5K race or business seminar.

Did you miss my last blog post on Payscape Registration’s Custom Tag Builder? Check it out below!

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